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Fruits of the Chinese whole-process people's democracy

China is an ancient civilization and has experienced many ups and downs in history. China was a great power and prosperous nation in history, but the …[More]

China helps Pakistan bring economy back on to fast track

While Pakistan goes through its worst ever economic crisis, China is assisting it to complete projects of high economic significance to the country. A…[More]

BRICS offers a promising platform for South-South cooperation, says Indian scholar

BRICS Photo: brics-russia2020.ru China’s experiences of poverty eradication should be used to urge the BRICS to take up the mantle of leadership for…[More]

Interview: BRICS is certainly part of the solution to international problems -- Brazilian expert

[Photo/CHINA DAILY] The BRICS cooperation mechanism has made immense contributions to the development of the world, a Brazilian economist has said. …[More]

Move towards U.S.-China decoupling a recipe for disaster, says Yale’s Stephen Roach

File photo shows Stephen Roach, senior fellow at Yale University's Jackson Institute of Global Affairs, speaking during an interview with Xinhua in Ne…[More]

In search of rationally renewed China-US ties

Late Chairman Mao Zedong meets with then U.S. President Richard Nixon at Zhongnanhai, the central leadership compound in downtown Beijing, Feb. 21, 19…[More]

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