People's Daily Online's Qiangguo Forum launched its "I have questions for the Premier" column on February 21, before the opening of China's annual "two sessions" of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
Over the past twenty days, Qiangguo Fourm, one of the most influential political forums in China, has received more than 70,000 questions posted by 1.09 million participants.
Education and medical health, senior care and social insurance, and income distribution are the top three issues raised by netizens, who also offered their advice.
14,000 questions have been posted by workers, ranking first in terms of numbers of questions. Wages, lay-offs, and housing prices are their key words. In addition, 12,000 questions are from farmers and they are most concerned about land, jobs, social insurance and care for the elderly.
This is the ninth year in succession that People's Daily Online has run this column during the two sessions. Other platforms allowing netizens to raise questions include Weibo, Wechat or Weixin and mobile phone services.
The article is edited and translated from《人民網推出兩會多媒體建言平臺 百萬網友踴躍問政》, source: People's Daily, author: Song Na and Duan Chuya