

"Summit for Democracy" sows division, hatred

(Xinhua) 15:21, December 07, 2021

BEIJING, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- At a time when the world craves unity, the U.S.-proposed "Summit for Democracy" is breeding division, estrangement and hatred.

The gathering, with a stated goal of "setting forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal," has nothing to do with genuine democracy.

The United States has hand-picked participants for the summit based on its own assumptions about democratic standards and the proximity of their interests.

Democracy is the right of all peoples rather than an exclusive privilege of the few. The judgment on whether a country is democratic or not should be made by their people, not by a certain foreign country.

The United States' approach, which is essentially promoting anti-democracy in the name of democracy, is provocative and undemocratic by its very nature. In organizing this summit, Washington is trying to impose its own concept of democracy on others.

The United States believes true democracy must be congruent with the American understanding.

Yet history has proven that there is no best democracy or superior democracy, only the democracy that suits the individual context. No one has the right to decide what is the best democracy for others.

The summit, held amidst the resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic which needs to be addressed with concerted efforts, has no significance or meaning other than to create conflicts and disagreements. It is a dangerous move to revive the Cold War mentality.

By creating such a summit, the United States has drawn a clear line along the global map between so-called "democracies" and "non-democracies" as defined by itself.

This black-and-white dichotomy is not only meaningless but also harmful in today's multidimensional and interconnected world.

For many years, "American democracy" has been bankrupt. The vast majority of Americans are deeply disappointed with the U.S. political system. A recent report by the Pew Research Center shows that a median of just 17 percent of those surveyed think American democracy is a good example for other countries to follow.

Under the guise of democracy, however, Washington continues to meddle in the internal affairs of other countries and violate their sovereignty, in defiance of the basic principles and standards of international law.

Wars and conflicts waged in the name of spreading democracy have seriously undermined international and regional peace, security and stability.

It is high time for the United States to reflect on its problematic democracy and stop creating division and confrontation. 

(Web editor: Shi Xi, Liang Jun)


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