Chapter One Defense Strategy
I. Assessing U.S. Security Environment
II. Specifying Ten Primary Missions of the U.S. Armed Forces
Chapter Two Military Strength and Force Deployment
I. U.S. Military Strength
II. Military Deployment
III. Military Bases
Chapter Three National Defense Budget and Weapons R&D and Procurement
I. National Defense Budget
II. Weapons R&D and Procurement
Chapter Four New Development in Operational Doctrines
I. New Developments in the Air-Sea Battle Concept
II. Development of the "Joint Operational Access Concept"
III. The Concept of Globally Integrated Operations and Its Requirements for joint forces
Chapter Five Alliances and Partnerships
I. Expanding Alliances from Bilateral to Multilateral Ones in the Asia-Pacific Region, with U.S.-Japan Alliance as the Central Axis
II. Cementing Existing Partnerships and Develop New Partnerships
Chapter Six Military Exercises
I. Military Exercises Conducted by the U.S. Military Alone
II. Exercises Conducted by the U.S. Armed Forces and Other Militaries
【11】 【12】 【13】 【14】 【15】 【16】 【17】 【18】 【19】 【20】
【21】 【22】 【23】 【24】 【25】 【26】 【27】 【28】 【29】 【30】
【31】 【32】 【33】 【34】 【35】 【36】 【37】
Related Reading:
Report on Japanese Military Power 2012
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